Homeschooling vs Public Schools



Homeschooling vs public schools...Is Homeschooling a Better Solution? Can parents educate their children as well as the Public Schools?

These studies show that homeschooling vs public schools achievement testing outperform almost every time. Many studies over the last few years have established the academic excellence of homeschooled children.

Homeschooling vs Public Schools
In Achievment Testing

Study 1

A Sep. 11, 2000 Times article helps us understand more.

  • Stanford University accepted 26% of the 35 homeschoolers who applied--nearly double its overall acceptance rate.

  • 23 of this fall's 572 freshmen at Wheaton College in Illinois were homeschooled, and their SAT scores average 58 points higher than those of the overall class.

  • Most colleges take a close look at standardized-test scores when weighing homeschool applications.

  • 2001, homeschoolers scored an average of 1,100 on the SAT--a full 81 points above the national average--and 22.8 on the ACT, compared with the national average of 21.

Study 2

According to a 1997 study entitled, " "Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America."

  • Homeschoolers out-performed students in the public schools by 30-37% in all subjects.
  • The race of the student did not make any difference.
  • In grades K-12, both white and minority students scored, on the average, in the 87th%.
  • In the public schools, however, there is a sharp contrast.

  • White public school eighth grade students, nationally scored the 58th and 57th% in math and reading.
  • Black eighth grade scored on the average at the 24th and 28th% in math and reading.
  • Hispanics scored at the 29th and 28th%in math and reading.
  • More money does not mean a better education

  • Average cost per homeschool student is $546
  • Average cost per public school student is $5,325
  • Study 3

    Another study by the National Center for Home Education in 1994 states:

  • 16,311 homeschoolers from all 50 states K-12, the nationwide average for homeschool students was at the 77th% of the basic battery of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.

    Study 4

    Dr. Raymond Moore studied several thousand homeschooled children throughout the United States.

  • On average, homeschoolers performed in the 75th-95th % on Stanford and Iowa Achievement Tests.

    Study 5

    According to The Scholastic Achievement of Home School Students:

  • 20,760 students in 11,930 families took the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS; grades K-8) or the Tests of Achievement and Proficiency (TAP; grades 9-12) through Bob Jones University Press Testing and Evaluation Service.

  • Almost 25% of home school students were enrolled one or more grades above their age-level peers in public and private schools.

  • The median scores for every subtest at every grade were typically in the 70th to 80th percentile... above those of public school students.

  • home school students in grades 1 to 4 performed one grade level above their age-level.



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