Teaching Textbooks Math 5 and 6

by Amanda

Product:Teaching Textbooks

Subject: Math

Levels Used:5 and 6

Dates Used: 2011-2013


Teaching Textbooks has been a huge help in our homeschooling.

I love that this curriculum can teach my children a subject that I struggle in myself!

They not only learn their math lessons thoroughly but they actually enjoy the lessons also! My children love doing their school work on the computer.

The grades are kept for each lesson that can be printed up if needed. I like that I can easily see where the children are having any difficulties by just looking in the grade book.

If needed, we can delete a whole section and start over till the concepts sink in. I love it!


Teaching Textbooks doesn't have a curriculum for my younger students. They start at 3rd grade.

Would be wonderful if they had a curriculum for other subjects!

I actually called them one day just to see if they had something in the works for English!

Other than that, Teaching Textbooks is great!

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Jan 23, 2013
Teaching Textbooks
by: Anonymous

Great review!!

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